Reiki ONE Training
Reiki is a great tool for stress reduction and relaxation.
Service Description
On this day of training, we will go over the history of Usui Reiki, Chakras and how these energy wheels affect the body along with Hand Placements. You will receive an Attunement to the First level of Reiki and learn about the connection we make through Spirit. Reiki will be within you and can be called upon to assist in healing. We will touch on the ethics and professionalism that surround this beautiful energy work. Tap into guides and learn how that the practice of Reiki is never about you, but is the connection to the Divine. **Now offering 6 CEU credits for LMT's through NCBTMB provider #1000916**
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
A 24-hour notice is required for cancellation of an appointment, or you will be charged in full for the appointment. Payment is due before your next appointment. Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition. If it is within the 24-hour notice period, the cancellation fee may be waived.
Contact Details
8359 Beacon Street, Fort Myers, FL 33907, USA
(510) 501-1810